Portable Stimulus Standard Early Adopter II Public Review

>> Please note the public review period ended March 30, 2018
The Accellera Portable Stimulus Working Group (PSWG) is proud to announce the release for public review of the latest preliminary version of the Portable Test and Stimulus Standard. This Early Adopter II release includes additional work done by the PSWG since the release in June 2017 of the first Early Adopter version, reflecting progress on a wide range of issues to improve the standard, including user feedback on the EA version. The PSWG continues to work to ensure a robust, feature-rich release which will enable users and vendors to benefit from the powerful productivity-increasing technology with the confidence that comes from using an approved Accellera Standard.
The Portable Test and Stimulus Standard defines a domain-specific language (DSL) and an accompanying semantically-equivalent C++ library to create a single representation of stimulus and test scenarios, usable by a variety of users across different levels of integration under different configurations. It will permit the generation of multiple scenarios from a single specification of test intent and allow tools to create different implementations of a scenario that run on a variety of execution platforms, including, but not limited to, simulation, emulation, FPGA prototyping, post-silicon and virtual platforms. With this standard, users can specify a set of behaviors once, from which multiple implementations may be derived.
The Portable Test and Stimulus Standard is still a work in progress. We invite further public review and comment on the Early Adopter II release to help move us closer to our goal of an approved 1.0 standard.
The standard includes features to allow:
- Abstract behavioral specification and scheduling
- Data structures, constrained randomization and data flow modeling
- Scenario-level randomization from abstract partial specifications to preserve critical intent
- Encapsulation, composition and reuse of modeling components
With this standard, users can specify a set of behaviors once and observe consistent behavior across multiple implementations. For more information on the Portable Test and Stimulus Standard download the tutorial, “Portable Test and Stimulus: The Next Level of Verification Productivity is Here.” Members of the Working Group presented the tutorial at DVCon U.S. on Monday, February 26, 2018.
The Public Review Period will be open until Friday, March 30, 2018. Please provide your feedback, ask questions and interact on issues regarding the Early Adopter II release via the Accellera Portable Stimulus Forum. All comments will be reviewed by the PSWG.
Download the Portable Stimulus Standard Early Adopter II release >